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Way2Agribusiness Knowledge Center

The core focus of www.way2agribusiness.com is its five products & services such as Way2Agritech (cutting edge agri-tech solutions for farmers), Way2Foods (food crops for households & HORECA), Way2ABI Agri FBI (market intelligence services through mobile app), Way2Market (trading platform app) and project management consultancy service. Agribusiness exposure and knowledge transformation is one of our core activities. With this background, Knowledge Centre & Videos (KC & Videos) address the knowledge gap on products and services we offer and covers relevant information, technical guidance & live videos for the benefit of farmers and other participants in agribusiness operations.

Way2Agribusiness - Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are the challenges the agri and allied sectors passing through?expand_circle_down
  • The agri and allied sectors face significant challenges, including climate change impacts, water scarcity, land degradation, limited access to finance, market volatility, technology adoption barriers, lack of knowledge and skills, post-harvest losses, policy and regulatory constraints, and urbanization and land conversion. These challenges hinder productivity, sustainability, and profitability, affecting farmers' livelihoods and food security. Addressing these challenges requires sustainable practices, improved access to resources and markets, technological advancements, capacity-building programs, and supportive policies to ensure the resilience and growth of the agri and allied sectors.

    Refer these links for more information:Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , World Bank & International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
  • What are the emerging trends in crop production, value addition and marketing?expand_circle_down
  • Emerging trends in crop production, value addition, and marketing include precision agriculture with advanced technologies, vertical farming and controlled environment agriculture, sustainable and organic farming practices, digital platforms for direct marketing, crop diversification for niche markets, traceability and certification, value addition through food processing and innovative products, sustainable packaging and waste management, data analytics and AI for improved decision-making, and farm-to-table concepts connecting consumers with farmers. These trends aim to enhance productivity, sustainability, market access, and consumer engagement in the agricultural sector.

    Refer these links for more information:Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , World Bank & International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
  • What is agribusiness? How it is different from other sectors/ area?expand_circle_down
  • Agribusiness refers to the integration of agriculture and business activities, encompassing the production, processing, distribution, and marketing of agricultural products. It involves a range of entities, from small-scale farmers and cooperatives to large corporations involved in agricultural operations. Agribusiness combines traditional farming practices with modern business strategies, focusing on profitability, efficiency, and value addition. Unlike other sectors, agribusiness operates within the unique context of natural resource constraints, weather-dependent production, and fluctuating market conditions. It plays a critical role in meeting global food demands, fostering rural development, and addressing food security challenges.

    In spite of setback at various stages of agriculture supply chain, all the participants in the chain mainly the famers need to continue with their livelihood activities. This is not only important for farmers’ point of view but also for consumers, to meet the later food requirements. Practically, food sector will never face recession as consumers cannot forgo food. These features reveal that there is a huge scope for growth in the sector, but change in perception from merely farming to agribusiness is a must mainly in the mind of the farming community. Concept of crop production should change from production driven to consumer driven market. Higher priority for commercial crop cultivation, value addition to produce and application of business principles in selected commercial agriculture operations is the indicator of transition towards agribusiness. This would result in better agri marketing system under which farming community and also agribusiness companies would get benefited.
    Tag : Agriculture, farming, agribusiness, supply chain, business principles, and agri marketing system
  • What about Govt. of Karnataka policies on agriculture sector?expand_circle_down
  • As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, the Government of Karnataka has implemented various policies and initiatives to support the agriculture sector. Some key policies include:
    1. Karnataka State Agriculture Policy: Aimed at promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in agriculture, emphasizing technology adoption, resource efficiency, and farmer welfare.
    2. Organic Farming Policy: Encouraging the adoption of organic farming practices to enhance soil health, biodiversity, and produce chemical-free crops.
    3. Horticulture Policy: Focusing on the development of horticulture crops, post-harvest infrastructure, and value addition to boost income opportunities for farmers.
    4. Agri-Business and Food Processing Policy: Facilitating investment in food processing industries to reduce post-harvest losses and add value to agricultural produce.
    5. Crop Diversification and Special Schemes: Introducing schemes to promote the cultivation of high-value crops, supporting farmers to diversify their income sources.

    Refer these links for more information:Government of Karnataka
  • Why we need to invest in agriculture and allied sectors?expand_circle_down
  • Investing in agriculture and allied sectors is vital for food security, economic growth, and rural livelihoods. It supports millions of farmers, fosters sustainable practices, and promotes technological innovation. Diversified agriculture enhances nutrition and offers export opportunities, boosting foreign exchange earnings. Infrastructure development aids efficient logistics, while agro-processing adds value and generates higher returns. Investing in green practices ensures environmental stewardship and biodiversity conservation.

    Refer these links for more information:Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) , World Bank & United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
  • How important is escort services for project implementation?expand_circle_down
  • Escort services are crucial for the successful implementation of projects, especially in complex or sensitive environments. Escorts provide support, guidance, and security to project personnel and equipment during fieldwork or site visits. They ensure safe navigation, access to remote locations, and protection against potential risks. Additionally, escorts facilitate interactions with local communities, authorities, and stakeholders, fostering better communication and cooperation. Their presence enhances project efficiency, mitigates logistical challenges, and helps build positive relationships with the host communities. Overall, escort services play a vital role in ensuring smooth project execution and achieving project goals in diverse and challenging contexts.
  • What about agribusiness project management?expand_circle_down
  • Agribusiness project management involves planning, organizing, and executing projects in the agricultural sector. It focuses on achieving project objectives, such as improving farm productivity, setting up agro-processing units, or developing value chains. Effective project management ensures efficient resource allocation, risk mitigation, and adherence to timelines and budgets. It requires understanding agricultural practices, market dynamics, and stakeholder engagement. Successful agribusiness project management drives innovation, enhances sustainability, and contributes to rural development. Monitoring and evaluation are crucial to assess project impact and make informed decisions for continuous improvement.
  • Project approvals & clearances - Why we need?expand_circle_down
  • Project approvals and clearances are essential to ensure that proposed projects meet regulatory, environmental, and safety standards. They provide a systematic assessment of potential impacts on the environment, communities, and public health. Through approvals, authorities evaluate project feasibility, adherence to laws, and compliance with development guidelines. This process promotes transparency, public participation, and accountability, fostering sustainable and responsible project implementation. Clearances help identify and mitigate potential risks, ensuring projects are carried out responsibly and without adverse effects on ecosystems and society. Overall, project approvals and clearances safeguard the interests of stakeholders, preserve natural resources, and support sustainable development.
  • What is the process of project approval incl. land clearances?expand_circle_down
  • The process of project approval, including land clearances, involves submitting a detailed proposal, initial screening, environmental impact assessment, public consultation, technical evaluation, obtaining land clearances and legal approvals, assessing financial viability, receiving final approval, and proceeding with project implementation while adhering to approved plans and guidelines.
  • How to approach Banks for agricultural loans?expand_circle_down
  • To approach banks for agricultural loans:
    1. Prepare a detailed business plan with financial projections.
    2. Gather necessary documents like land records and identification proofs.
    3. Research loan options and schemes offered by banks.
    4. Visit the nearest branch and inquire about the loan application process.
    5. Complete the loan application form and attach required documents.
    6. Offer collateral, such as land or assets, to secure the loan.
    7. Present evidence of past income and repayment capacity.
    8. Seek guidance from agricultural experts or extension officers.
    9. Regularly follow up with the bank on the loan application status.
    10. Comply with all bank requirements and be prepared for additional documentation if needed.
  • What are the agribusiness investment opportunities (25 options) in Karnataka?expand_circle_down
    1. Organic Farming: Demand for organic produce is rising, presenting opportunities for sustainable farming practices.
    2. Food Processing Units: Establishing agro-processing industries to add value to agricultural products.
    3. Horticulture & Floriculture: Cultivating high-value fruits, vegetables, and flowers for domestic and export markets.
    4. Dairy Farming: Investing in modern dairy farms to meet the growing demand for dairy products.
    5. Poultry Farming: Setting up poultry units to supply eggs and poultry meat.
    6. Aquaculture: Developing fish and shrimp farming ventures to cater to the seafood market.
    7. Agri-Tourism: Exploring agri-tourism ventures to showcase farm life and promote rural tourism.
    8. Seed Production: Investing in seed production and distribution for improved crop varieties.
    9. Agri-Input Supply: Establishing agri-input supply centers to serve farmers' needs.
    10. Cold Storage & Warehousing: Building cold storage and warehousing facilities for post-harvest management.
    11. Agri-Equipment Rental: Providing rental services for agricultural machinery and equipment.
    12. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants: Cultivating herbs and aromatic plants for the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.
    13. Sericulture: Investing in silk production, including mulberry cultivation and silk reeling units.
    14. Floriculture Exports: Exploring opportunities in exporting flowers to international markets.
    15. Agri-Biotechnology: Supporting research and development in agri-biotechnology for improved crop traits.
    16. Beekeeping & Honey Production: Engaging in beekeeping and honey extraction for diverse applications.
    17. Agri-Export Zones: Developing agri-export zones to promote export-oriented farming.
    18. Value-Added Products: Manufacturing processed foods, spices, and specialty products from agricultural produce.
    19. Vermicomposting: Setting up vermicomposting units for organic fertilizer production.
    20. Precision Farming Solutions: Providing precision farming technologies and services to improve yields.
    21. Agri-Insurance Services: Offering insurance solutions tailored to farmers' needs.
    22. Agri-Startups: Supporting agri-tech startups with innovative solutions for the sector.
    23. Agri-Consultancy: Providing consultancy services on farm management and best practices.
    24. Agri-Education & Skill Development: Establishing agri-education institutions and skill development centers.
    25. Agri-Marketing & Retail: Developing efficient agricultural marketing and retail channels for farm produce.
  • How about investment closer to Bengaluru in about 100 KM radius?expand_circle_down
  • Investment opportunities within a 100 km radius of Bengaluru include:
    1. Floriculture & Horticulture: Cultivating flowers and high-value crops for urban markets.
    2. Agri-Tech Startups: Supporting innovative agricultural technology ventures.
    3. Organic Produce: Meeting the rising demand for organic fruits and vegetables.
    4. Dairy & Milk Products: Establishing modern dairy farms and dairy processing units.
    5. Agri-Tourism: Promoting farm-based tourism and rural experiences for urban dwellers.
    6. Sustainable Farming: Investing in sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices.
    7. Agro-Processing Units: Setting up food processing industries for value addition.
    8. Precision Farming: Providing precision farming solutions for resource optimization.
    9. Aquaponics & Hydroponics: Exploring soilless farming techniques for efficient land use.
    10. Smart Greenhouses: Implementing smart greenhouse technologies for controlled cultivation.

    Refer these links for more information:Karnataka State Agricultural Marketing Board (KSAMB) , Karnataka State Agriculture Department , Karnataka State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation (KSIIDC) , Bengaluru Rural District Official Website & Invest Karnataka
  • What are the services required for budding entrepreneurs?expand_circle_down
  • Budding entrepreneurs require various services to support their startup journey:
    1. Business Incubation: Access to mentorship, resources, and networking opportunities through business incubators.
    2. Financial Assistance: Funding options, loans, or grants to kickstart their ventures.
    3. Legal & Registration Support:Help with business registration, licensing, and compliance.
    4. Market Research: Assistance in conducting market research and understanding customer needs.
    5. Business Development: Guidance in developing a viable business model and growth strategies.
    6. Marketing & Branding:Support in creating effective marketing campaigns and building a strong brand presence.
    7. Technology & IT Support: Access to technology tools and IT services for efficient operations.
    8. Skill Development:Training programs to enhance entrepreneurial skills and knowledge.
    9. Networking Events:Participation in industry events and networking platforms to connect with potential partners and investors.
    10. Incubation Spaces:Access to co-working spaces and facilities for a conducive work environment.
  • What are key attributes of successful agri entrepreneurs?expand_circle_down
  • Key attributes of successful agri-entrepreneurs include:
    1. Passion & Dedication:A strong passion for agriculture and unwavering dedication to their ventures.
    2. Adaptability:Ability to adapt to changing market dynamics and adopt innovative practices.
    3. Market Insight: Deep understanding of market demands and consumer preferences.
    4. Risk Management:Skill to assess and manage risks associated with agricultural operations.
    5. Technological Savvy: Utilizing technology for efficiency and productivity gains.
    6. Networking Skills:Building strong connections with suppliers, buyers, and industry experts.
    7. Financial Acumen: Sound financial management and cost optimization.
    8. Sustainability Focus: Emphasis on sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.
    9. Problem-Solving: Ability to tackle challenges and find creative solutions.
    10. Empathy & Communication:Effective communication and empathy for engaging with stakeholders, including farmers and consumers.
  • How important is incubation service for start-ups?expand_circle_down
  • Agribusiness incubation not necessarily limited only to technology innovation and technology transfer. There are three basic types of agribusiness incubators such as:
    1. agribusiness value chain or sector development incubators,
    2. agricultural research and commercialization incubators and
    3. technology transfer incubators. Agribusiness Incubator by Way2ABI is one such “agribusiness value chain or sector development incubators”.
    There is an absolute need for enterprise formation in agri and allied sectors. Agribusiness incubation is nurturing ideas, extending hand holding support and finally ensuring enterprise formation. Like any other entrepreneurship agriculture entrepreneurship also require lot of hand-holding mainly in the initial stage. Incubation services to start-up entrepreneurs will go a long way in solving the initial teething problems. These aims at supporting the entrepreneurs or incubatees starting from land selection, input purchase, advice on cultivation, processing, supply chain management and marketing plan and programmes.
    Tag : Agriculture,agribusiness, incubationincubators, entrepreneurship, enterprise formation, nurturing ideas, start-ups, production, processing, marketing, and Way2ABI
  • How business plans can help in agriculture enterprise?expand_circle_down
  • Business plans are essential for agriculture enterprises as they provide clarity, direction, and financial management. They help in assessing risks, conducting market analysis, and gaining a competitive edge. Business plans aid in resource planning, attracting funding and investments, and facilitating expansion and diversification. They ensure legal and regulatory compliance and promote sustainability practices. Additionally, business plans foster collaboration and partnerships, outline marketing strategies, and enhance operational efficiency. They serve as performance benchmarks and contribute to the overall success and growth of agriculture enterprises.
  • How important is decision enabling project reports / studies?expand_circle_down
  • Decision-enabling project reports/studies are crucial for making informed decisions, assessing risks, allocating resources efficiently, engaging stakeholders, evaluating project viability, conducting cost-benefit analysis, strategic planning, ensuring compliance, evaluating performance, and ultimately contributing to project success and sustainability.
  • How important is technology intervention for betterment of agriculture sector?expand_circle_down
  • Technology intervention is extremely important for the agriculture sector as it enhances efficiency, enables precision farming, facilitates data-driven decisions, provides access to information and markets, boosts climate resilience, optimizes supply chains, promotes financial inclusion, facilitates knowledge transfer, and fosters sustainable growth for food security and rural development.
  • How about Govt subsidy for food and agricultural projects?expand_circle_down
  • Government subsidies for food and agricultural projects are essential as they provide financial support to farmers, reduce input costs, promote sustainable practices, boost productivity, improve infrastructure, ensure food security, and drive rural development. These subsidies encourage adoption of modern technologies, enhance market access, and support smallholder farmers, contributing to a more resilient and thriving agriculture sector.
  • How important is branding and marketing for better returns?expand_circle_down
  • Branding and marketing are essential for better returns as they create visibility, build customer trust, differentiate products, influence purchasing decisions, and drive business growth. They enable businesses to stand out from competitors, command premium prices, and expand market reach, leading to improved profitability and long-term success.